Main programme

Oral papers Oral volume 1 (PDF)
Oral volume 2 (PDF)
PostersPoster volume (PDF)
DemonstrationsDemonstrations volume (PDF)
Author indexBibliography (BibTeX)


T02:T2: Paraphrases and Applications pdf
T06: T6: Kernel Engineering for Fast and Easy Design of Natural Language Applications pdf


WS1:ALR: Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resources pdf
WS2: ONTOLEX: Ontologies and Lexical Resources pdf
WS3:COGALEX-II: The Second Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon: Enhancing the Structure and Lookup Mechanisms of Electronic Dictionaries pdf
WS4:CCSR: The People's Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources pdf
WS5:SSANLP: Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing - Morphology and Segmentation pdf
WS6:MWE: Multiword Expressions: From Theory to Applications pdf
WS7:SSST: The Fourth Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation pdf
WS8:NLPIX: The Second International Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era- Large-scale and Sharable NLP Infrastructures and Beyond pdf
WS9:CLIA: The Fourth International Workshop On Cross Lingual Information Access: Computational Linguistics and the Information Need of Multilingual Societies pdf


The COLING 2010 very gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors:

Platinum Sponsors

*National Natural Science Foundation of China
*Department of Language Information Administration, Ministry of Education,   PRC

Gold Sponser


Silver Sponsers

Fujitsu R&D Center CO., LTD.
Microsoft Research
Beijing TRS Information Technology Co., Ltd

Shenyang Globla Envoy Software Co.,Ltd.

Shenyang Aerospace University Human Computer Intelligence Research Center


Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Harbin Institute of Technology
Peking University

Tsinghua University


Published and distributed by Chinese Information Processing Society of China
© 2010 Coling 2010 Organizing Committee