Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces


Sarmad Hussain (CLE-KICS, UET, Pakistan)
Virach Sornlertlamvanich (NECTEC, Thailand)
Hammam Riza (BPPT, Indonesia)

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pdf bib Front matter
pdf bib A Thesaurus of Predicate-Argument Structure for Japanese Verbs to Deal with Granularity of Verb Meanings
Koichi Takeuchi, Kentaro Inui, Nao Takeuchi and Atsushi Fujita
pp. 1–8
pdf bib Collaborative Work on Indonesian WordNet through Asian WordNet (AWN)
Chairil Hakim, Budiono Budiono and Hammam Riza
pp. 9–13
pdf bib Considerations on Automatic Mapping Large-Scale Heterogeneous Language Resources: Sejong Semantic Classes and KorLex
Heum Park, Ae sun Yoon, Woo Chul Park and Hyuk-Chul Kwon
pp. 14–21
pdf bib Sequential Tagging of Semantic Roles on Chinese FrameNet
Jihong LI, Ruibo WANG and Yahui GAO
pp. 22–29
pdf bib Augmenting a Bilingual Lexicon with Information for Word Translation Disambiguation
Takashi Tsunakawa and Hiroyuki Kaji
pp. 30–37
pdf bib Construction of bilingual multimodal corpora of referring expressions in collaborative problem solving
Takenobu Tokunaga, Ryu Iida, Masaaki Yasuhara, Asuka Terai, David Morris and Anja Belz
pp. 38–46
pdf bib Labeling Emotion in Bengali Blog Corpus - A Fine Grained Tagging at Sentence Level
Dipankar Das and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
pp. 47–55
pdf bib SentiWordNet for Indian Languages
Amitava Das and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
pp. 56–63
pdf bib Constructing Thai Opinion Mining Resource: A Case Study on Hotel Reviews
Choochart Haruechaiyasak, Alisa Kongthon, Pornpimon Palingoon and Chatchawal Sangkeettrakarn
pp. 64–71
pdf bib The Annotation of Event Schema in Chinese
Hongjian Zou, Erhong Yang, Yan Gao and Qingqing Zeng
pp. 72–79
pdf bib Query Expansion for Khmer Information Retrieval
Channa Van and Wataru Kameyama
pp. 80–87
pdf bib Word Segmentation for Urdu OCR System
Misbah Akram and Sarmad Hussain
pp. 88–94
pdf bib Dzongkha Word Segmentation
Sithar Norbu, Pema Choejey, Tenzin Dendup, Sarmad Hussain and Ahmed Muaz
pp. 95–102
pdf bib Building NLP resources for Dzongkha: A Tagset and A Tagged Corpus
Chungku Chungku, Jurmey Rabgay and Gertrud Faaß
pp. 103–110
pdf bib Unaccusative/Unergative Distinction in Turkish: A Connectionist Approach
Cengiz Acarturk and Deniz Zeyrek
pp. 111–119
pdf bib A Preliminary Work on Hindi Causatives
Rafiya Begum and Dipti Misra Sharma
pp. 120–128
pdf bib A Supervised Learning based Chunking in Thai using Categorial Grammar
Thepchai Supnithi, Chanon Onman, Peerachet Porkaew, Taneth Ruangrajitpakorn, Kanokorn Trakultaweekoon and Asanee Kawtrakul
pp. 129–136
pdf bib A hybrid approach to Urdu verb phrase chunking
Wajid Ali and Sarmad Hussain
pp. 137–143
pdf bib Development of the Korean Resource Grammar: Towards Grammar Customization
Sanghoun Song, Jong-Bok Kim, Francis Bond and Jaehyung Yang
pp. 144–152
pdf bib An Open Source Urdu Resource Grammar
Shafqat Mumtaz Virk, Muhammad Humayoun and Aarne Ranta
pp. 153–160
pdf bib A Current Status of Thai Categorial Grammars and Their Applications
Taneth Ruangrajitpakorn and Thepchai Supnithi
pp. 161–168
pdf bib Chained Machine Translation Using Morphemes as Pivot Language
Li Wen, Chen Lei, Han Wudabala and Li Miao
pp. 169–177

Last modified on August 13, 2010, 8:19 a.m.