Coling 2010: Demonstrations


Yang Liu (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Ting Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

Full proceedings volume (PDF)
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Bibliography (BibTeX)

pdf bib Front matter
pdf bib A Paraphrasing System for Transforming Regular Expressions into Honorifics
Dongli Han, Shuntaro Kamochi, Xin Song, Naoki Akegawa and Tomomasa Hori
pp. 1–4
pdf bib PyCWN: a Python Module for Chinese Wordnet
Yueh-Cheng Wu and Shu-Kai Hsieh
pp. 5–8
pdf bib Annotation Tool for Discourse in PDT
Jiří Mírovský, Lucie Mladová and Zdeněk Žabokrtský
pp. 9–12
pdf bib LTP: A Chinese Language Technology Platform
Wanxiang Che, Zhenghua Li and Ting Liu
pp. 13–16
pdf bib Have2eat: a Restaurant Finder with Review Summarization for Mobile Phones
Giuseppe Fabbrizio, Narendra Gupta, Sveva Besana and Premkumar Mani
pp. 17–20
pdf bib COMUNICA - A Question Answering System for Brazilian Portuguese
Rodrigo Wilkens, Aline Villavicencio, Daniel Muller, Leandro Wives, Fabio Silva and Stanley Loh
pp. 21–24
pdf bib YanFa: An Online Automatic Scoring and Intelligent Feedback System of Student English-Chinese Translation
Yan Tian
pp. 25–28
pdf bib HCAMiner: Mining Concept Associations for Knowledge Discovery through Concept Chain Queries
Wei Jin and Xin Wu
pp. 29–32
pdf bib A High-Performance Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parser
Björkelund Anders, Bohnet Bernd, Love Hafdell and Pierre Nugues
pp. 33–36
pdf bib PanLex and LEXTRACT: Translating all Words of all Languages of the World
Timothy Baldwin, Jonathan Pool and Susan Colowick
pp. 37–40
pdf bib Antelogue: Pronoun Resolution for Text and Dialogue
Eleni Miltsakaki
pp. 41–44
pdf bib E-HowNet and Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology
Wei-Te Chen, Su-Chu Lin, Shu-Ling Huang, You-Shan Chung and Keh-Jiann Chen
pp. 45–48
pdf bib Cloud Computing for Linguists
Dorothee Beermann and Pavel Mihaylov
pp. 49–52
pdf bib HowNet and Its Computation of Meaning
Zhendong Dong, Qiang Dong and Changling Hao
pp. 53–56
pdf bib Multiword Expressions in the wild? The mwetoolkit comes in handy
Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio and Christian Boitet
pp. 57–60

Last modified on August 13, 2010, 8:19 a.m.