Coling 2010: Posters


Chu-Ren Huang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Dan Jurafsky (Stanford University)

Full proceedings volume (PDF)
author index (HTML)
Bibliography (BibTeX)

pdf bib Front matter
pdf bib Towards the Adequate Evaluation of Morphosyntactic Taggers
Szymon Aceda\'nski and Adam Przepiórkowski
pp. 1–8
pdf bib Document Expansion Based on WordNet for Robust IR
Eneko Agirre, Xabier Arregi and Arantxa Otegi
pp. 9–17
pdf bib Cross-Market Model Adaptation with Pairwise Preference Data for Web Search Ranking
Jing Bai, Fernando Diaz, Yi Chang, Zhaohui Zheng and Keke Chen
pp. 18–26
pdf bib Going Beyond Traditional QA Systems: Challenges and Keys in Opinion Question Answering
Alexandra Balahur, Ester Boldrini, Andrés Montoyo and Patricio Martínez-Barco
pp. 27–35
pdf bib Robust Sentiment Detection on Twitter from Biased and Noisy Data
Luciano Barbosa and Junlan Feng
pp. 36–44
pdf bib Benchmarking for syntax-based sentential inference
Paul Bedaride and Claire Gardent
pp. 45–53
pdf bib Query Expansion based on Pseudo Relevance Feedback from Definition Clusters
Delphine Bernhard
pp. 54–62
pdf bib A Formal Scheme for Multimodal Grammars
Philippe Blache and Laurent Prevot
pp. 63–71
pdf bib Composition of Semantic Relations: Model and Applications
Eduardo Blanco, Hakki C. Cankaya and Dan Moldovan
pp. 72–80
pdf bib Improved Unsupervised Sentence Alignment for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Parallel Corpora
Fabienne Braune and Alexander Fraser
pp. 81–89
pdf bib Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Formality
Julian Brooke, Tong Wang and Graeme Hirst
pp. 90–98
pdf bib Toward Qualitative Evaluation of Textual Entailment Systems
Elena Cabrio and Bernardo Magnini
pp. 99–107
pdf bib Benchmarking of Statistical Dependency Parsers for French
Marie Candito, Joakim Nivre, Pascal Denis and Enrique Henestroza Anguiano
pp. 108–116
pdf bib Tree Topological Features for Unlexicalized Parsing
Samuel W. K. Chan, Lawrence Y. L. Cheung and Mickey W. C. Chong
pp. 117–125
pdf bib Improving Graph-based Dependency Parsing with Decision History
Wenliang Chen, Jun’ichi Kazama, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka and Kentaro Torisawa
pp. 126–134
pdf bib A comparison of unsupervised methods for Part-of-Speech Tagging in Chinese
Alex Cheng, Fei Xia and Jianfeng Gao
pp. 135–143
pdf bib The True Score of Statistical Paraphrase Generation
Jonathan Chevelu, Ghislain Putois and Yves Lepage
pp. 144–152
pdf bib Acquisition of Unknown Word Paradigms for Large-Scale Grammars
Kostadin Cholakov and Gertjan van Noord
pp. 153–161
pdf bib Global topology of word co-occurrence networks: Beyond the two-regime power-law
Monojit Choudhury, Diptesh Chatterjee and Animesh Mukherjee
pp. 162–170
pdf bib Exploiting Paraphrases and Deferred Sense Commitment to Interpret Questions more Reliably
Peter Clark and Phil Harrison
pp. 171–179
pdf bib Two Methods for Extending Hierarchical Rules from the Bilingual Chart Parsing
Martin Cmejrek and Bowen Zhou
pp. 180–188
pdf bib Unsupervised cleansing of noisy text
Danish Contractor, Tanveer A. Faruquie and L. Venkata Subramaniam
pp. 189–196
pdf bib Improving Reordering with Linguistically Informed Bilingual n-grams
Josep Maria Crego and François Yvon
pp. 197–205
pdf bib Comparing Sanskrit Texts for Critical Editions
Marc Csernel and Tristan Cazenave
pp. 206–213
pdf bib Hybrid Decoding: Decoding with Partial Hypotheses Combination over Multiple SMT Systems
Lei Cui, Dongdong Zhang, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Tiejun Zhao
pp. 214–222
pdf bib Global Ranking via Data Fusion
Hong-Jie Dai, Po-Ting Lai, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai and Wen-Lian Hsu
pp. 223–231
pdf bib Topic-Based Bengali Opinion Summarization
Amitava Das and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
pp. 232–240
pdf bib Enhanced Sentiment Learning Using Twitter Hashtags and Smileys
Dmitry Davidov, Oren Tsur and Ari Rappoport
pp. 241–249
pdf bib Topic Models for Meaning Similarity in Context
Georgiana Dinu and Mirella Lapata
pp. 250–258
pdf bib Recognizing Medication related Entities in Hospital Discharge Summaries using Support Vector Machine
Son Doan and Hua Xu
pp. 259–266
pdf bib Exploring the Data-Driven Prediction of Prepositions in English
Anas Elghafari, Detmar Meurers and Holger Wunsch
pp. 267–275
pdf bib A Comparison of Features for Automatic Readability Assessment
Lijun Feng, Martin Jansche, Matt Huenerfauth and Noémie Elhadad
pp. 276–284
pdf bib An Efficient Shift-Reduce Decoding Algorithm for Phrased-Based Machine Translation
Yang Feng, Haitao Mi, Yang Liu and Qun Liu
pp. 285–293
pdf bib A Novel Method for Bilingual Web Page Acquisition from Search Engine Web Records
Yanhui Feng, Yu Hong, Zhenxiang Yan, Jianmin Yao and Qiaoming Zhu
pp. 294–302
pdf bib Building Systematic Reviews Using Automatic Text Classification Techniques
Oana Frunza, Diana Inkpen and Stan Matwin
pp. 303–311
pdf bib Chinese Sentence-Level Sentiment Classification Based on Fuzzy Sets
Guohong Fu and Xin Wang
pp. 312–319
pdf bib Monolingual Distributional Profiles for Word Substitution in Machine Translation
Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Ralf D. Brown and Jaime Carbonell
pp. 320–328
pdf bib Utilizing User-input Contextual Terms for Query Disambiguation
Byron J. Gao, David C. Anastasiu and Xing Jiang
pp. 329–337
pdf bib Comparing the performance of two TAG-based surface realisers using controlled grammar traversal
Claire Gardent, Benjamin Gottesman and Laura Perez-Beltrachini
pp. 338–346
pdf bib Verbs are where all the action lies: Experiences of Shallow Parsing of a Morphologically Rich Language
Harshada Gune, Mugdha Bapat, Mitesh M. Khapra and Pushpak Bhattacharyya
pp. 347–355
pdf bib A Semantic Network Approach to Measuring Relatedness
Brian Harrington
pp. 356–364
pdf bib Conundrums in Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction: Making Sense of the State-of-the-Art
Kazi Saidul Hasan and Vincent Ng
pp. 365–373
pdf bib Integrating N-best SMT Outputs into a TM System
Yifan He, Yanjun Ma, Andy Way and Josef van Genabith
pp. 374–382
pdf bib Learning Phrase Boundaries for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation
Zhongjun He, Yao Meng and Hao Yu
pp. 383–390
pdf bib Learning Summary Content Units with Topic Modeling
Leonhard Hennig, Ernesto William De Luca and Sahin Albayrak
pp. 391–399
pdf bib Learning to Model Domain-Specific Utterance Sequences for Extractive Summarization of Contact Center Dialogues
Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Yasuhiro Minami, Hitoshi Nishikawa, Kohji Dohsaka, Toyomi Meguro, Satoshi Takahashi and Genichiro Kikui
pp. 400–408
pdf bib Recognizing Relation Expression between Named Entities based on Inherent and Context-dependent Features of Relational words
Toru Hirano, Hisako Asano, Yoshihiro Matsuo and Genichiro Kikui
pp. 409–417
pdf bib Word Sense Disambiguation-based Sentence Similarity
ChukFong Ho, Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad, Rabiah Abdul Kadir and Shyamala C. Doraisamy
pp. 418–426
pdf bib Towards Automated Related Work Summarization
Cong Duy Vu Hoang and Min-Yen Kan
pp. 427–435
pdf bib Negative Feedback: The Forsaken Nature Available for Re-ranking
Yu Hong, Qing-qing Cai, Song Hua, Jian-min Yao and Qiao-ming Zhu
pp. 436–444
pdf bib Morphological Analysis Can Improve a CCG Parser for English
Matthew Honnibal, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld and James R. Curran
pp. 445–453
pdf bib What’s in a Preposition? Dimensions of Sense Disambiguation for an Interesting Word Class
Dirk Hovy, Stephen Tratz and Eduard Hovy
pp. 454–462
pdf bib Learning to Annotate Scientific Publications
Minlie Huang and Zhiyong Lu
pp. 463–471
pdf bib Mining Large-scale Comparable Corpora from Chinese-English News Collections
Degen Huang, Lian Zhao, Lishuang Li and Haitao Yu
pp. 472–480
pdf bib Bilingual lexicon extraction from comparable corpora using in-domain terms
Azniah Ismail and Suresh Manandhar
pp. 481–489
pdf bib A framework for representing lexical resources
Fabrice Issac
pp. 490–497
pdf bib Language-Specific Sentiment Analysis in Morphologically Rich Languages
Hayeon Jang and Hyopil Shin
pp. 498–506
pdf bib Challenges from Information Extraction to Information Fusion
Heng Ji
pp. 507–515
pdf bib Effective Constituent Projection across Languages
Wenbin Jiang, Yajuan Lv, Yang Liu and Qun Liu
pp. 516–524
pdf bib A Comparative Study on Ranking and Selection Strategies for Multi-Document Summarization
Feng Jin, Minlie Huang and Xiaoyan Zhu
pp. 525–533
pdf bib Identifying Contradictory and Contrastive Relations between Statements to Outline Web Information on a Given Topic
Daisuke Kawahara, Kentaro Inui and Sadao Kurohashi
pp. 534–542
pdf bib Generative Alignment and Semantic Parsing for Learning from Ambiguous Supervision
Joohyun Kim and Raymond Mooney
pp. 543–551
pdf bib Local Space-Time Smoothing for Version Controlled Documents
Seungyeon Kim and Guy Lebanon
pp. 552–560
pdf bib A Logistic Regression Model of Determiner Omission in PPs
Tibor Kiss, Katja Keßelmeier, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld and Jan Strunk
pp. 561–569
pdf bib Using Syntactic and Semantic based Relations for Dialogue Act Recognition
Tina Klüwer, Hans Uszkoreit and Feiyu Xu
pp. 570–578
pdf bib Automatic Allocation of Training Data for Rapid Prototyping of Speech Understanding based on Multiple Model Combination
Kazunori Komatani, Masaki Katsumaru, Mikio Nakano, Kotaro Funakoshi, Tetsuya Ogata and Hiroshi G. Okuno
pp. 579–587
pdf bib DL Meet FL: A Bidirectional Mapping between Ontologies and Linguistic Knowledge
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and Ulrich Schäfer
pp. 588–596
pdf bib Generating Simulated Relevance Feedback: A Prognostic Search approach
Nithin Kumar and Vasudeva Varma
pp. 597–604
pdf bib Best Topic Word Selection for Topic Labelling
Jey Han Lau, David Newman, Sarvnaz Karimi and Timothy Baldwin
pp. 605–613
pdf bib A Linguistically Grounded Graph Model for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction
Florian Laws, Lukas Michelbacher, Beate Dorow, Christian Scheible, Ulrich Heid and Hinrich Schütze
pp. 614–622
pdf bib A Post-processing Approach to Statistical Word Alignment Reflecting Alignment Tendency between Part-of-speeches
Jae-Hee Lee, Seung-Wook Lee, Gumwon Hong, Young-Sook Hwang, Sang-Bum Kim and Hae-Chang Rim
pp. 623–629
pdf bib Enhancing Multi-lingual Information Extraction via Cross-Media Inference and Fusion
Adam Lee, Marissa Passantino, Heng Ji, Guojun Qi and Thomas Huang
pp. 630–638
pdf bib EM-based Hybrid Model for Bilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora
Lianhau Lee, Aiti Aw, Min Zhang and Haizhou Li
pp. 639–646
pdf bib Text Mining for Automatic Image Tagging
Chee Wee Leong, Rada Mihalcea and Samer Hassan
pp. 647–655
pdf bib Unsupervised Discriminative Language Model Training for Machine Translation using Simulated Confusion Sets
Zhifei Li, Ziyuan Wang, Sanjeev Khudanpur and Jason Eisner
pp. 656–664
pdf bib Combining Constituent and Dependency Syntactic Views for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling
Shiqi Li, Qin Lu, Tiejun Zhao, Pengyuan Liu and Hanjing Li
pp. 665–673
pdf bib Chinese Frame Identification using T-CRF Model
Ru Li, Haijing Liu and Shuanghong Li
pp. 674–682
pdf bib Linguistic Cues for Distinguishing Literal and Non-Literal Usages
Linlin Li and Caroline Sporleder
pp. 683–691
pdf bib Contextual Recommendation based on Text Mining
Yize Li, Jiazhong Nie, Yi Zhang, Bingqing Wang, Baoshi Yan and Fuliang Weng
pp. 692–700
pdf bib Reexamination on Potential for Personalization in Web Search
Daren Li, Muyun Yang, HaoLiang Qi, Sheng Li and Tiejun Zhao
pp. 701–709
pdf bib Fast-Champollion: A Fast and Robust Sentence Alignment Algorithm
Peng Li, Maosong Sun and Ping Xue
pp. 710–718
pdf bib Tibetan Number Identification Based on Classification of Number Components in Tibetan Word Segmentation
Huidan Liu, Weina Zhao, Minghua Nuo, Li Jiang, Jian Wu and Yeping He
pp. 719–724
pdf bib Collective Semantic Role Labeling on Open News Corpus by Leveraging Redundancy
Xiaohua Liu, Kuan Li, Bo Han, Ming Zhou, Long Jiang, Daniel Tse and Zhongyang Xiong
pp. 725–729
pdf bib Improved Discriminative ITG Alignment using Hierarchical Phrase Pairs and Semi-supervised Training
Shujie Liu, Chi-Ho Li and Ming Zhou
pp. 730–738
pdf bib Visually and Phonologically Similar Characters in Incorrect Simplified Chinese Words
Chao-Lin Liu, Min-Hua Lai, Yi-Hsuan Chuang and Chia-Ying Lee
pp. 739–747
pdf bib Head-modifier Relation based Non-lexical Reordering Model for Phrase-Based Translation
Shui Liu, Sheng Li, Tiejue Zhao, Min Zhang and Pengyuan Liu
pp. 748–756
pdf bib Dependency-Driven Feature-based Learning for Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions from Biomedical Text
Bing Liu, Longhua Qian, Hongling Wang and Guodong Zhou
pp. 757–765
pdf bib A Review Selection Approach for Accurate Feature Rating Estimation
Chong Long, Jie Zhang and Xiaoyan Zhu
pp. 766–774
pdf bib Connective-Based Measuring of the Inter-Annotator Agreement in the Annotation of Discourse in PDT
Jiří Mírovský, Lucie Mladová and Šárka Zikánová
pp. 775–781
pdf bib Opinion Target Extraction in Chinese News Comments
Tengfei Ma and Xiaojun Wan
pp. 782–790
pdf bib Finite-state Scriptural Translation
M. G. Abbas Malik, Christian Boitet and Pushpak Bhattacharyya
pp. 791–800
pdf bib Dimensionality Reduction for Text using Domain Knowledge
Yi Mao, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian and Guy Lebanon
pp. 801–809
pdf bib Varro: An Algorithm and Toolkit for Regular Structure Discovery in Treebanks
Scott Martens
pp. 810–818
pdf bib Instance Sense Induction from Attribute Sets
Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Enrique Alfonseca, Marius Pasca, Keith Hall, Enrique Robledo-Arnuncio and Massimiliano Ciaramita
pp. 819–827
pdf bib A Power Mean Based Algorithm for Combining Multiple Alignment Tables
Sameer Maskey, Steven Rennie and Bowen Zhou
pp. 828–836
pdf bib Machine Translation with Lattices and Forests
Haitao Mi, Liang Huang and Qun Liu
pp. 837–845
pdf bib Automatic Persian WordNet Construction
Mortaza Montazery and Feshaam Faili
pp. 846–850
pdf bib Imbalanced Classification Using Dictionary-based Prototypes and Hierarchical Decision Rules for Entity Sense Disambiguation
Tingting Mu, Xinglong Wang, Jun’ichi Tsujii and Sophia Ananiadou
pp. 851–859
pdf bib A Vector Space Model for Subjectivity Classification in Urdu aided by Co-Training
Smruthi Mukund and Rohini Srihari
pp. 860–868
pdf bib Support or Oppose? Classifying Positions in Online Debates from Reply Activities and Opinion Expressions
Akiko Murakami and Rudy Raymond
pp. 869–875
pdf bib Semantic Classification of Automatically Acquired Nouns using Lexico-Syntactic Clues
Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi
pp. 876–884
pdf bib A Learnable Constraint-based Grammar Formalism
Smaranda Muresan
pp. 885–893
pdf bib Evaluating performance of grammatical error detection to maximize learning effect
Ryo Nagata and Kazuhide Nakatani
pp. 894–900
pdf bib Kernel-based Reranking for Named-Entity Extraction
Truc-Vien T. Nguyen, Alessandro Moschitti and Giuseppe Riccardi
pp. 901–909
pdf bib Opinion Summarization with Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Sentence Extraction and Ordering
Hitoshi Nishikawa, Takaaki Hasegawa, Yoshihiro Matsuo and Genichiro Kikui
pp. 910–918
pdf bib A Study on Position Information in Document Summarization
You Ouyang, Wenjie Li, Qin Lu and Renxian Zhang
pp. 919–927
pdf bib Evaluating FrameNet-style semantic parsing: the role of coverage gaps in FrameNet
Alexis Palmer and Caroline Sporleder
pp. 928–936
pdf bib Word Space Modeling for Measuring Semantic Specificity in Chinese
Ching-Fen Pan and Shu-Kai Hsieh
pp. 937–945
pdf bib MT Error Detection for Cross-Lingual Question Answering
Kristen Parton and Kathleen McKeown
pp. 946–954
pdf bib The Role of Queries in Ranking Labeled Instances Extracted from Text
Marius Pasca
pp. 955–962
pdf bib Incremental Chinese Lexicon Extraction with Minimal Resources on a Domain-Specific Corpus
Gaël Patin
pp. 963–971
pdf bib Improving Name Origin Recognition with Context Features and Unlabelled Data
Vladimir Pervouchine, Min Zhang, Ming Liu and Haizhou Li
pp. 972–978
pdf bib Filling Knowledge Gaps in Text for Machine Reading
Anselmo Peñas and Eduard Hovy
pp. 979–987
pdf bib Dynamic Parameters for Cross Document Coreference
Octavian Popescu
pp. 988–996
pdf bib An Evaluation Framework for Plagiarism Detection
Martin Potthast, Benno Stein, Alberto Barrón-Cedeño and Paolo Rosso
pp. 997–1005
pdf bib Expressing OWL axioms by English sentences: dubious in theory, feasible in practice
Richard Power and Allan Third
pp. 1006–1013
pdf bib Automatic Committed Belief Tagging
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Owen Rambow and Mona Diab
pp. 1014–1022
pdf bib Realization of Discourse Relations by Other Means: Alternative Lexicalizations
Rashmi Prasad, Aravind Joshi and Bonnie Webber
pp. 1023–1031
pdf bib Designing Agreement Features for Realization Ranking
Rajakrishnan Rajkumar and Michael White
pp. 1032–1040
pdf bib Web-based and combined language models: a case study on noun compound identification
Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio and Christian Boitet
pp. 1041–1049
pdf bib Streaming Cross Document Entity Coreference Resolution
Delip Rao, Paul McNamee and Mark Dredze
pp. 1050–1058
pdf bib Multilingual Summarization Evaluation without Human Models
Horacio Saggion, Juan-Manuel Torres Moreno, Iria da Cunha, Eric SanJuan and Patricia Velazquez-Morales
pp. 1059–1067
pdf bib Argument Optionality in the LinGO Grammar Matrix
Safiyyah Saleem and Emily M. Bender
pp. 1068–1076
pdf bib Log-linear weight optimisation via Bayesian Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation
Germán Sanchis-Trilles and Francisco Casacuberta
pp. 1077–1085
pdf bib A Global Relaxation Labeling Approach to Coreference Resolution
Emili Sapena, Lluís Padró and Jordi Turmo
pp. 1086–1094
pdf bib "Expresses-an-opinion-about": using corpus statistics in an information extraction approach to opinion mining
Asad B. Sayeed, Hieu C. Nguyen, Timothy J. Meyer and Amy Weinberg
pp. 1095–1103
pdf bib Sentiment Translation through Multi-Edge Graphs
Christian Scheible, Florian Laws, Lukas Michelbacher and Hinrich Schütze
pp. 1104–1112
pdf bib Controlled Natural Languages for Knowledge Representation
Rolf Schwitter
pp. 1113–1121
pdf bib Informed ways of improving data-driven dependency parsing for German
Wolfgang Seeker, Bernd Bohnet, Lilja vrelid and Jonas Kuhn
pp. 1122–1130
pdf bib Using Clustering to Improve Retrieval Evaluation without Relevance Judgments
Zhiwei Shi, Peng Li and Bin Wang
pp. 1131–1139
pdf bib A Method for Automatically Generating a Mediatory Summary to Verify Credibility of Information on the Web
Hideyuki Shibuki, Takahiro Nagai, Masahiro Nakano, Rintaro Miyazaki, Madoka Ishioroshi and Tatsunori Mori
pp. 1140–1148
pdf bib Towards Automatic Building of Document Keywords
Joaquim Silva and Gabriel Lopes
pp. 1149–1157
pdf bib Shallow Information Extraction from Medical Forum Data
Parikshit Sondhi, Manish Gupta, ChengXiang Zhai and Julia Hockenmaier
pp. 1158–1166
pdf bib Bridging Topic Modeling and Personalized Search
Wei Song, Yu Zhang, Ting Liu and Sheng Li
pp. 1167–1175
pdf bib Notes on the Evaluation of Dependency Parsers Obtained Through Cross-Lingual Projection
Kathrin Spreyer
pp. 1176–1184
pdf bib Dependency-Based Bracketing Transduction Grammar for Statistical Machine Translation
Jinsong Su, Yang Liu, Haitao Mi, Hongmei Zhao, Yajuan Lv and Qun Liu
pp. 1185–1193
pdf bib Semi-supervised Semantic Pattern Discovery with Guidance from Unsupervised Pattern Clusters
Ang Sun and Ralph Grishman
pp. 1194–1202
pdf bib Utilizing Variability of Time and Term Content, within and across Users in Session Detection
Shuqi Sun, Sheng Li, Muyun Yang, Haoliang Qi and Tiejun Zhao
pp. 1203–1210
pdf bib Word-based and Character-based Word Segmentation Models: Comparison and Combination
Weiwei Sun
pp. 1211–1219
pdf bib Confidence Measures for Error Discrimination in an Interactive Predictive Parsing Framework
Ricardo Sánchez-Sáez, Joan Andreu Sánchez and José Miguel Benedí
pp. 1220–1228
pdf bib Learning Web Query Patterns for Imitating Wikipedia Articles
Shohei Tanaka, Naokaki Okazaki and Mitsuru Ishizuka
pp. 1229–1237
pdf bib Semi-Supervised WSD in Selectional Preferences with Semantic Redundancy
Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen, Weiguang Qu and Shiwen Yu
pp. 1238–1246
pdf bib A Comparison of Models for Cost-Sensitive Active Learning
Katrin Tomanek and Udo Hahn
pp. 1247–1255
pdf bib Extraction of Multi-word Expressions from Small Parallel Corpora
Yulia Tsvetkov and Shuly Wintner
pp. 1256–1264
pdf bib Citation Author Topic Model in Expert Search
Yuancheng Tu, Nikhil Johri, Dan Roth and Julia Hockenmaier
pp. 1265–1273
pdf bib A Multi-Domain Web-Based Algorithm for POS Tagging of Unknown Words
Shulamit Umansky-Pesin, Roi Reichart and Ari Rappoport
pp. 1274–1282
pdf bib Urdu and Hindi: Translation and sharing of linguistic resources
Karthik Visweswariah, Vijil Chenthamarakshan and Nandakishore Kambhatla
pp. 1283–1291
pdf bib Phrase Structure Parsing with Dependency Structure
Zhiguo Wang and Chengqing Zong
pp. 1292–1300
pdf bib Automatic Generation of Semantic Fields for Annotating Web Images
Gang Wang, Tat Seng Chua, Chong Wah Ngo and YongCheng Wang
pp. 1301–1309
pdf bib Automatic Extraction of Cue Phrases for Cross-Corpus Dialogue Act Classification
Nick Webb and Michael Ferguson
pp. 1310–1317
pdf bib Search with Synonyms: Problems and Solutions
Xing Wei, Fuchun Peng, Huishin Tseng, Yumao Lu, Xuerui Wang and Benoit Dumoulin
pp. 1318–1326
pdf bib MIEA: a Mutual Iterative Enhancement Approach for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification
Qiong Wu, Songbo Tan, Xueqi Cheng and Miyi Duan
pp. 1327–1335
pdf bib Exploring the Use of Word Relation Features for Sentiment Classification
Rui Xia and Chengqing Zong
pp. 1336–1344
pdf bib An Empirical Study of Translation Rule Extraction with Multiple Parsers
Tong Xiao, Jingbo Zhu, Hao Zhang and Muhua Zhu
pp. 1345–1353
pdf bib Boosting Relation Extraction with Limited Closed-World Knowledge
Feiyu Xu, Hans Uszkoreit, Sebastian Krause and Hong Li
pp. 1354–1362
pdf bib Applying Syntactic, Semantic and Discourse Constraints in Chinese Temporal Annotation
Nianwen Xue and Yuping Zhou
pp. 1363–1372
pdf bib Syntax-Driven Machine Translation as a Model of ESL Revision
Huichao Xue and Rebecca Hwa
pp. 1373–1381
pdf bib Chasing the ghost: recovering empty categories in the Chinese Treebank
Yaqin Yang and Nianwen Xue
pp. 1382–1390
pdf bib Unsupervised Part of Speech Tagging Using Unambiguous Substitutes from a Statistical Language Model
Mehmet Ali Yatbaz and Deniz Yuret
pp. 1391–1398
pdf bib Jointly Identifying Entities and Extracting Relations in Encyclopedia Text via A Graphical Model Approach
Xiaofeng Yu and Wai Lam
pp. 1399–1407
pdf bib Accelerated Training of Maximum Margin Markov Models for Sequence Labeling: A Case Study of NP Chunking
Xiaofeng Yu and Wai Lam
pp. 1408–1416
pdf bib Semi-automatically Developing Chinese HPSG Grammar from the Penn Chinese Treebank for Deep Parsing
Kun Yu, Miyao Yusuke, Xiangli Wang, Takuya Matsuzaki and Junichi Tsujii
pp. 1417–1425
pdf bib Cross-Lingual Induction for Deep Broad-Coverage Syntax: A Case Study on German Participles
Sina Zarrieß, Aoife Cahill, Jonas Kuhn and Christian Rohrer
pp. 1426–1434
pdf bib Fusion of Multiple Features and Ranking SVM for Web-based English-Chinese OOV Term Translation
Yuejie Zhang, Yang Wang, Lei Cen, Yanxia Su, Cheng Jin, Xiangyang Xue and Jianping Fan
pp. 1435–1443
pdf bib Machine Transliteration: Leveraging on Third Languages
Min Zhang, Xiangyu Duan, Vladimir Pervouchine and Haizhou Li
pp. 1444–1452
pdf bib Discriminant Ranking for Efficient Treebanking
Yi Zhang and Valia Kordoni
pp. 1453–1461
pdf bib Extracting and Ranking Product Features in Opinion Documents
Lei Zhang, Bing Liu, Suk Hwan Lim and Eamonn O’Brien-Strain
pp. 1462–1470
pdf bib Chart Pruning for Fast Lexicalised-Grammar Parsing
Yue Zhang, Byung-Gyu Ahn, Stephen Clark, Curt Van Wyk, James R. Curran and Laura Rimell
pp. 1471–1479
pdf bib Metaphor Interpretation and Context-based Affect Detection
Li Zhang
pp. 1480–1488
pdf bib Sentence Ordering with Event-Enriched Semantics and Two-Layered Clustering for Multi-Document News Summarization
Renxian Zhang, Wenjie Li and Qin Lu
pp. 1489–1497
pdf bib Automatic Temporal Expression Normalization with Reference Time Dynamic-Choosing
Xujian Zhao, Peiquan Jin and Lihua Yue
pp. 1498–1506
pdf bib Predicting Discourse Connectives for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Zhi-Min Zhou, Yu Xu, Zheng-Yu Niu, Man Lan, Jian Su and Chew Lim Tan
pp. 1507–1514
pdf bib Active Deep Networks for Semi-Supervised Sentiment Classification
Shusen Zhou, Qingcai Chen and Xiaolong Wang
pp. 1515–1523
pdf bib Dual-Space Re-ranking Model for Document Retrieval
Dong Zhou, Seamus Lawless, Jinming Min and Vincent Wade
pp. 1524–1532
pdf bib All in Strings: a Powerful String-based Automatic MT Evaluation Metric with Multiple Granularities
Junguo Zhu, Muyun Yang, Bo Wang, Sheng Li and Tiejun Zhao
pp. 1533–1540
pdf bib Automatic Treebank Conversion via Informed Decoding
Muhua Zhu and Jingbo Zhu
pp. 1541–1549
pdf bib Imposing Hierarchical Browsing Structures onto Spoken Documents
Xiaodan Zhu, Colin Cherry and Gerald Penn
pp. 1550–1557
pdf bib Interpreting Pointing Gestures and Spoken Requests – A Probabilistic, Salience-based Approach
Ingrid Zukerman, Gideon Kowadlo and Patrick Ye
pp. 1558–1566

Last modified on August 13, 2010, 8:20 a.m.